Nature Series

  1. tent.1404 tent.1403
  2. wobble log 10.1406 wobble log 10.1405
    Wobble log
  3. Log see-saw.3 Log see-saw.2
    Log see-saw

About this series

This series of equipments use local Eastern cedar logs for their durability and aesthetics, while promoting overall motor skills through the natural irregularities of the wood and the combination with ropes.

  1. tent.1404 tent.1403
  2. wobble log 10.1406 wobble log 10.1405
    Wobble log
  3. Log see-saw.3 Log see-saw.2
    Log see-saw
  4. Teepee EP.8 Teepee EP.7
  5. wood and snake.33 wood and snake.32
    Wood and Snake
  6. log pods.37 log pods.35
    Wood Pods
  7. EP-NS-019.114 EP-NS-019.113
  8. NS-021 Parcours.1410 NS-021 Parcours.1409
  9. NS-023-3 Balançoire 3 .117 untitled.115
  10. untitled.156 EP-NS-031 C
    Dream catcher
  11. l-embâcle.279 l-embâcle.278
    Log dam
  12. Duo de triangle280 Duo de triangle.281
    Triangle duo