School Series

  1. EP-SKS-DB01.1470 EP-SKS-DB01.1469
    Drawing board
  2. EP-SKS-BT5000-A-001 new boards.28 EP-SKS-BT5000-A-001 new boards.27
    Basketball tree (5)
  3. EP-SKS-BT4000.1466 EP-SKS-BT4000.1465
    Basketball tree (4)

About this series

Designed to be used mainly in contexts where a shock-absorbing surface is not possible, this range maximizes the number of users while minimizing the space required. It can be used for a wide variety of purposes, including sports, learning, imagination and quiet areas.

  1. EP-SKS-DB01.1470 EP-SKS-DB01.1469
    Drawing board
  2. EP-SKS-BT5000-A-001 new boards.28 EP-SKS-BT5000-A-001 new boards.27
    Basketball tree (5)
  3. EP-SKS-BT4000.1466 EP-SKS-BT4000.1465
    Basketball tree (4)
  4. EP-SKS-BT3000-6910.1461 (2) BT3000-8910
    Bastekballs tree (3)
  5. EP-SKS-BTE2000 DuoBasket.22 EP-SKS-BTE2000 DuoBasket.20
    Basketball tree (2)
  6. EP-SKS-BT1000.12 EP-SKS-BT1000.14
    Basketball tree (1)
  7. archsket.2047 archsket.2046
  8. untitled.1424 untitled.1423
    Pear ball
  9. untitled.17 untitled.16
    Surface mount pear ball
  10. PCF-A 6019.1376 PCF-A 6019.1375
    Soccer Goal
  11. PCFB-F8.1345 PCFB-F8.1344
    Soccer Goal with Basket
  12. SB-GG10.1376 SB-GG10.1375
    Large soccer goal with basket
    Mini-Hockey goal
  14. barre.1966 barre.1965
    Ballet bar
  15. EP-SKS-TAR01-blanc EP-SKS-TAR01-couleur
  16. COFFRE.217 COFFRE.216

Bounce and Swing Series

  1. ES1000.1266 ES1000.1265
    Arch Swing
  2. TT-OLA web.574 TT-OLA web.575
  3. ESC1000-2B-1S-ASTM.1430 ESC1000-2B-1S-ASTM.1429
    Combo Swing

About this series

No need to wait in line to swing anymore! Elephantplay has revolutioned the swing by creating a uniquely social experience, allowing multiple kids to safely swing together. Explore all different ways of moving... Feel the thrill!

  1. ES1000.1266 ES1000.1265
    Arch Swing
  2. TT-OLA web.574 TT-OLA web.575
  3. ESC1000-2B-1S-ASTM.1430 ESC1000-2B-1S-ASTM.1429
    Combo Swing
  4. EA4000.575 EA4000.574
    Bouncing Mat
  5. EAN2000.57 EAN2000.55
    Bouncing net

Spinneround Series

  1. EPS420D.12 EPS420D.11
    Spinneround with deck
  2. Rotating dish.2016 Rotating dish.2015
    Rotating dish
  3. ERN1300D.blanc
    Spinneround Pyramid

About this series

More than a simple rotation, our equipment requires a cognitive involvement in the game; a lerning curve to allow the game to rotate without putting your feet on the ground. Designed as a reinvention of the traditional merry-go-round and built to spin like a top, Elephant Play’s equipments provides a fun challenge that will keep kids moving and stimulate positive child development. Children can enjoy Elephant Play’s equipments ability to bring excitement and movement back into the playground.

  1. EPS420D.12 EPS420D.11
    Spinneround with deck
  2. Rotating dish.2016 Rotating dish.2015
    Rotating dish
  3. ERN1300D.blanc
    Spinneround Pyramid
  4. ERB1100D-3DCAD.2000 ERB1100D-3DCAD.1999
    Spinneround Basket
  5. untitled.2004 untitled.2005
    Mini half ball
  6. ERT1100D 22-001 Renton.4 ERT1100D 22-001 Renton.3
    Spinneround Top

Climbitrail Series

  1. Riverwalk large EP.1564 Riverwalk large EP.1563
  2. untitled.34 untitled.33
    Moebius loop
  3. untitled.131 untitled.130

About this series

Climbitrail is based on the same mentality that we have to stimulate kids for climbing and going forward. This product line is a fully customizable product that you can fit any area. This is perfect to link, accommodate, challenge and give a training track to cross time after time. The play value offer in this line is out of this world!

  1. Riverwalk large EP.1564 Riverwalk large EP.1563
  2. untitled.34 untitled.33
    Moebius loop
  3. untitled.131 untitled.130
  4. untitled.135 untitled.134
    Small Loop
  5. Skyschack double.1893 Skyschack double.1892
  6. Léonard-De Vinci.1312 Léonard-De Vinci.1313
  7. option3-2.1429 option3-2.1428
  8. small foliage ep.1446 small foliage ep.1445
  9. untitled.215 untitled.214
    The Montain

Climbinet Series

  1. untitled.1896 untitled.1895
    Frame Net
  2. untitled.142 untitled.141
  3. mini masrt net.1601 mini masrt net.1600
    Single mast net

About this series

Climbinet’s reaching the top! Philosophy encourages kids to meet their potential not just on the playground, but also in life. Reaching the top promotes accomplishment in a group dynamic, and the exhilaration of achieving mutual goals. Working together to reach the ton of a mast net, climbing trough weirdly wavy structures or defending a fortress of a climbing net all encourage kids to develop important communication skills.

  1. untitled.1896 untitled.1895
    Frame Net
  2. untitled.142 untitled.141
  3. mini masrt net.1601 mini masrt net.1600
    Single mast net
  4. FNR1300 shere L.6 FNR1300 shere L.5
    Sphere net

Toddler Series

  1. untitled.1823 untitled.1822
    Toddler Hill
  2. AN1200.1415 AN1200.1413
  3. Agility Equipment(3D CAD) avec caoutchouc V2.117 Agility Equipment(3D CAD) avec caoutchouc V2.116
    Agility net

About this series

Equipments in this series are crafted specifically for young children, maximizing challenge and stimulating imagination.

  1. untitled.1823 untitled.1822
    Toddler Hill
  2. AN1200.1415 AN1200.1413
  3. Agility Equipment(3D CAD) avec caoutchouc V2.117 Agility Equipment(3D CAD) avec caoutchouc V2.116
    Agility net
  4. EPM1000 Maisonnette.1335 EPM1000 Maisonnette.1334
  5. maisonnette de jeux.1424 maisonnette de jeux.1423
    Mini playhouse
  6. Mini Skyshack.1476 Mini Skyshack.1474
    Mini Skyshack
  7. maisonnette villeray-simesco.1479 maisonnette villeray-simesco.1478
    Villeray tree house
  8. untitled.120 untitled.119
    Play table
  9. untitled.124 untitled.123
    Standing springboard
  10. MINI LOOKOUT.53 untitled.52
    Mini Lookout


  1. ARCHADO1.49 ARCHADO1.48
    Teen Arch 1
  2. untitled.47 ARCHADO2.49
    Teen Arch 2
  3. EP-ADO-TBEN.blanc EP-ADO-TBEN.couleur
    Bench tower

About this series

The Ado series products are specially designed for teenagers, allowing them to gather, train and have fun.

  1. ARCHADO1.49 ARCHADO1.48
    Teen Arch 1
  2. untitled.47 ARCHADO2.49
    Teen Arch 2
  3. EP-ADO-TBEN.blanc EP-ADO-TBEN.couleur
    Bench tower
  4. balancoire fixe.334 balancoire fixe.333
    Hangouts Swing

Public Furniture Series

  1. UFS-FUN1000.2089 UFS-FUN1000.2088
    Funky family
  2. serie 70 - 3 morceaux.2100 serie 70 - 3 morceaux.2099
    Seventy family
  3. Modt7000.1433 Modt7000.1432
    Modular family

About this series

The Urban furniture series offers a diverse range of equipment, including tables, benches and much more, to enhance parks. Made from durable materials for outdoor use, these products offer practical, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing solutions.

  1. UFS-FUN1000.2089 UFS-FUN1000.2088
    Funky family
  2. serie 70 - 3 morceaux.2100 serie 70 - 3 morceaux.2099
    Seventy family
  3. Modt7000.1433 Modt7000.1432
    Modular family
  4. untitled.337 untitled.336
    Chameleon Family
  5. tableau haut.1820 tableau haut.1819
    Trapeze family
    Roundabout Family
  7. Mobilier lavaltrie.1397 Mobilier lavaltrie.1396
  8. Abrris sans tableau.1446 Abrris sans tableau.1445
  9. untitled.234 untitled.233
    Deluxe Family

Slide Series

  1. EP-SLS-SS36 2D.1897 EP-SLS-SS36 2D.1896
    Single stainless slide
  2. Double slide white Double slide in color
    Double stainless slide
  3. Triple slide in white Triple slide in color
    Triple stainless slide

About this series

Open or enclosed slides, in plastic or stainless steel, available in single, double or triple widths. They can be used to enhance a mound or hillside, or added to other equipment.

  1. EP-SLS-SS36 2D.1897 EP-SLS-SS36 2D.1896
    Single stainless slide
  2. Double slide white Double slide in color
    Double stainless slide
  3. Triple slide in white Triple slide in color
    Triple stainless slide


  1. foret poteaux.299 foret poteaux.298
    Bamboo Forest

About this series

This series of equipment helps develop both strength and motor skills, and is designed primarily for teenagers and adults.

  1. foret poteaux.299 foret poteaux.298
    Bamboo Forest

Nature Series

  1. tent.1404 tent.1403
  2. wobble log 10.1406 wobble log 10.1405
    Wobble log
  3. Log see-saw.3 Log see-saw.2
    Log see-saw

About this series

This series of equipments use local Eastern cedar logs for their durability and aesthetics, while promoting overall motor skills through the natural irregularities of the wood and the combination with ropes.

  1. tent.1404 tent.1403
  2. wobble log 10.1406 wobble log 10.1405
    Wobble log
  3. Log see-saw.3 Log see-saw.2
    Log see-saw
  4. Teepee EP.8 Teepee EP.7
  5. wood and snake.33 wood and snake.32
    Wood and Snake
  6. log pods.37 log pods.35
    Wood Pods
  7. EP-NS-019.114 EP-NS-019.113
  8. NS-021 Parcours.1410 NS-021 Parcours.1409
  9. NS-023-3 Balançoire 3 .117 untitled.115
  10. untitled.156 EP-NS-031 C
    Dream catcher
  11. l-embâcle.279 l-embâcle.278
    Log dam
  12. Duo de triangle280 Duo de triangle.281
    Triangle duo